Tying The Knot ~The Perfect Dress for a Spring Wedding

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Similar shoes in nude:  The Zoey Heel, The Mint Julep Boutique
My AWESOME Photographer:  Andrew Swindle Photography

  Don't you just love this time of year?  Spring is my absolute favorite!  It's not too hot, not too cold...everything brown turns to green and begins to come alive again.  It's a time for new beginnings. What better time for a wedding!

   Wedding dress codes come with a lot of do's and don'ts — don't go too tight, don't go too flashy, and  please don't wear white, eggshell, or cream!  If you are ever in doubt about what colors are okay to wear to a wedding, a little black (or navy blue, if the bride objects to black) dress is a perfect choice.  

  I have a few weddings coming up so I'll have a great excuse to dress up in this adorable little number.  This is The Dancing Queen Dress from The Mint Julep Boutique. The big bow in the back is just about the cutest thing ever!  I've paired my dress with a pair of sassy strappy heels. I scored these babies from the clearance rack for only 16 bucks!  I plan on grabbing a similar pair in nude from The Mint Julep Boutique for the upcoming Spring weddings.  

  After you've found your dress, enjoy the celebration! Nothing is more awkward than being at a wedding where no one wants to get up and dance.  I'm super excited about the band that will be playing at the first wedding!  I will definitely be ready to cut the rug in this dress!
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Get Your Spring Break On ~ Beach Body Ready in 4 Weeks!

Monday, February 22, 2016

Sports Bra: Lululemon Push Ur Limits
Jacket; Lululemon Define
My AWESOME Photographer:  Andrew Swindle Photography

The countdown to Spring Break has begun. The only problem? Your body needs some tough love. It's crunch time! I've got an awesome ab boot camp video for you that will definitely have you feeling the burn! Let me warn you...this routine is not easy! It's difficult for me to finish and I work out pretty regular.  You've only got around four weeks to see the results so push yourself! It's not too late! You CAN do this! 

So here's the video:

And here's the plan:

You will want to do the ab boot camp 2 times per week for 4 weeks to see best results. 

There are 5 exercises in this ab workout. Do each ab exercise for 45 seconds followed by 15 seconds of rest. Repeat the entire ab boot camp 3 times through for a total of 15 minutes.

Here are the abs and obliques exercises that make up this Ab Boot Camp workout:

1) Plank Hand Step Up – Challenges the core and the shoulders

2) Circle Sliders – You’ll need some towels or paper plates for your feet that can slide easily across the floor

3) Plank Twists – This hits the oblique area and lower abs

4) Fast Mountain Climbers – Killer lower ab exercise that will help burn fat too

5) Bicycle Punches – Great obliques and overall core challenge

Whew! Oh Lawdy...it's tough, but that 6 pack is not going to come easy. 
You. Can. Do. It!

Here's a little motivation for ya'

*MP's Workout Playlist via Spotify


In order to see the results of the muscle you're building, you need to be eating the right things! Try and cut out all soft drinks and fried food and eat as "clean" as possible. Fill up on fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and lots of protein. Try and eat a little something every two hours and drink, drink, drink your water!

Get in some good cardio. My favorite workout class at my gym is called Body Pump. I try and go twice a week. It's an intense aerobic workout that works every muscle group, abs included. If you are in the Auburn area check out Max Fitness. They offer so many great classes for every level. You will LOVE this gym!

After an intense workout, you need a protein packed snack to rebuild tissue that was broken down after exercise. One of my favorites is low-fat chocolate milk. One or two cups of low-fat chocolate milk will replenish glycogen stores, which are depleted during a strenuous workout. The calories you take in after a workout don't go to fat storage. They go towards repair and recovery. In some studies, drinking chocolate milk immediately after a strenuous workout is one of the best ways to recover quickly—better than sugary sports drinks like Gatorade. Remember.. If dropping a few pounds is also your goal... Try and Keep this snack under 200 calories. Also, Make sure you have your post workout snack no later than 30 minutes after your workout!

Before bed, I always get in at least 50 crunches. I Highly doubt that's going to happen while on the Ab Bootcamp Plan... But normally I can keep my abs pretty toned by hitting my Body Pump class twice a week and getting my crunches in at night. 

You are going to ROCK Spring Break! Granted, four weeks is not enough time to completely change your body, but you will definitely see a big improvement. So don't fear that bikini! Be confident and have a blast! Drop a comment below if you are joining me in the Ab Bootcamp, Where will you be heading for SB 2016?


AthleanXX for Women
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Sunday Thoughts

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

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   Today on the blog I wanted to share what "love" means to me. February is one of my favorite months! It's something about the enormous stuffed teddy bears, the sappy Nicholas Sparks movies (The Choice now in theaters is a MUST), and of course, all the yummy chocolate.

 Love is such an amazing emotion to me in every way.  God has given us the privilege of giving and receiving. It's not just the material things I cherish. February reminds me of the love of our amazing God. 

In today's world I feel we have been so consumed in earthly relationships that we forget our relationship with our eternal father. It is so common to dream of the "fairytale" ending and don't get me wrong, I'm guilty of it as well, but God should be the center of any relationship and this is where my point begins. From past relationships, I have lacked keeping my eyes on my Father. I looked to my partner for happiness, compassion, and acceptance.. things God shows me on a daily basis! 

A relationship shouldn't replace your relationship with God, it should build it! "The purpose of a Godly relationship and potential marriage is not about you. It's about how you and your significant other can serve in the kingdom." WOW.. lightbulb moment?!? 

When you begin to understand that God is love, everything just feels right. When you give him all control and KNOW he has a perfect plan for your life, you'll notice things starting to fall into place. So to all you beautiful ladies.. have faith in your walk with Jesus! Don't let the material things consume your thoughts of what love should be. KNOW that YOU are the daughter of the KING. Remember that He will do much more to fill the love-space than any person or material thing ever could.  Most importantly, know that YOU ARE LOVED beyond measure. 

Happy month of love & bliss!!

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Saturday, February 13, 2016

My AWESOME Photographer: Andrew Swindle Photography

To me, Valentine’s Day means SWEETS... and lots of em!

Today, I guess cupid has struck me and I’m sharing a few of my EASY recipes that will definitely have your sweetheart coming back for more!

The EASIEST cupcakes you will EVER make. 

Super Simple Strawberry Shortcake!

Mini Cherry Pies... YUMMMM!

Mini Raspberry Cheesecake

Meet Peter!  He typically sits on the kitchen island in my Fairhope home. My mom dresses him for every single holiday.  I always look forward to coming home and seeing him in all of his festive finery. I love that Peter is representing The Bliss Blog for Valentines!

Happy Valentine's Day! Till next time, Peter:)